
  • Why 1/64 scale?

    Why are 1/64 scale so popular amongst collectors? 

    This is just a great size in general for any type of car. It's pocketable so you can carry it everywhere you go. A great space saver so you can collect more of them and show more. And something about being just a giant and having a whole car in the palm of your hands that makes this scale so nice.

  • RWB 2020 Tokyo Auto Salon Jan 10-12

    RAUH-WELT Begriff recently announced the release of 4 limited edition Idlers cars available only at the Tokyo Auto Salon Jan 10-12th first then online sales to commence after the show with others coming in the near future. This is the first 1/64 car release from RWB Japan and Canada and are limited in quantity of 1500 each item.